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About Us

Here at Locker Shop UK Ltd we are proud of the extensive experience we have built in the Locker market.

Having designed and supplied thousands of lockers and locker installations we know  a bit about lockers.

We can help you select the right product, assist with the design and layout and then provide an exstensive installation service. Its not only about lockers though and we can share our experience and services across a wide range of storage, shelving and archiving products.

Locker Shop UK Ltd can help make it simple for you the customer.


If you know which products you want and simply want a reliable supply of those products at the most  competitive price then we know we can help you with this and our on line shop offers the widest range of products at the most competitive price. For larger bulk orders please call for pricing, and in most cases our products are Delivered free of charge. UK mainland delivery only.

Our size enables us to buy at the most competitive prices from our suppliers which in turn means we can deliver the most competitive pricing to you the customer.

Through years of experience we understand that delivering customer satisfaction is more important than just delivering a product and our aim is to deliver the right solution, at the right price, to leave you feeling that you made the right choice in choosing Locker Shop UK Ltd. Creating more storage space is simple From consultation right through to installation, Locker Shop UK makes it easy.

